Health & Wellness

Cook well, eat well and stay well! In our Health&Wellness section you will find a wealth of culinary knowledge that will help you realise your health goals faster by working with ingredients that are full of goodness for body and mind.

Fermenting traditions have long been known around the world. Korean kimchi, German sauerkraut or more recently kombucha are just some of the famous examples of fermented foods that are extremely beneficial to your gut health.

Let’s get juicing! The sky is the limit when it comes to creating delicious juice combinations. Join Allspice on this fun and creative juicing journey that will help you stay fit and energised every day.

Have you ever tried a zero-sugar diet? Explore the facts, interviews and recipes — with a few habit adjustments you can make it happen! We invite you to join our 2-week Zero Sugar Challenge, so don’t delay any longer and give your body a sugar-rest!

Fasting plays a big part in many traditions around the world and it is widely known for its health benefits. From water-fasts to intermittent fasting there is likely to be a fasting regimen that will suit almost anyone. Explore our comprehensive video library and learn from others if you are thinking of trying it!

There is a multitude of diets available and you may have even tried a few… It’s true, not all of them work but it’s also true that we are all different, so there must be one out there that will work for you, too! Check out our online diet library start getting into shape today.